
What do we leave behind for future generations?

Written by Florin Stanescu

Updated: February 7, 2024
Est. Reading: 2 minutes

For the people of Slănic Moldova, the question is not just an individual one but a community one.

Following the torrential rains of June 2018, 326 houses in Slănic Moldova were flooded. A gas pipeline broke, leaving 700 people without power, and the electricity network Târgul Ocna - Slănic Moldova was severely damaged, leaving 1400 people without electricity (source:,

In addition, the landslides affected the national road 12B; at some points, there were cracks, fissures, and settlements on the road platform, which made it very difficult for traffic to Slănic Moldova resort (source:

The problem of landslides is not foreign to the area's inhabitants, this being more and more common due to illegal deforestation. This is why the NGO Together for the Future from Bacău County has decided to organize a tree planting action, bringing to public attention that indifference to this issue affects hundreds of people in the area now and in future generations.

With the slogan Get Involved - Indifference is not a solution, Together for the Future opens a discussion about citizenship and involvement together, as a community, to take care of other people and the environment in which they live. At the same time, it is calling on local authorities to take public action to prevent these natural disasters.

Following the opening of this public discussion, the tree planting action brought together over 200 students and teachers from the "Scarlat Longhin" Dofteana Gymnasium School, the "Costache Negri" National College in Târgu Ocna, and the Târgu Ocna Technological High School.

Forest District Târgul Ocna provided 1000 fir seedlings and the planting instructions, and the over 200 volunteers got involved, with spades and a lot of growth, in planting the trees.

As witnesses and supporters of the event, we enjoy the joint effort of the people in the area to have cleaner air, a safer and more protected environment, and especially the care of the residents affected by frequent and systematic deforestation.

We can only support these local initiatives and rejoice that people are trying to bring about change where it is most needed. Only with them can we build a cleaner, safer, more sustainable future.

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