
What's new at the LEKTRI.CO 7.4kW charging station on the electric mobility market?

Written by Florin Stanescu

Updated: February 7, 2024
Est. Reading: 3 minutes

If two years ago, we participated in the Vienna Biennale with what has become, in the meantime, the most popular charger LEKTRI.CO - JOY 22kW - this year, a new charging station is in our record.

The new LEKTRI.CO 7.4kW station was launched during the Bucharest Motor Show & Accessories 2021 event, organized at Romexpo on October 7-17.

What makes the new LEKTRI.CO 7.4kW charging station different?

The 7.4kW power station has a friendly interface and can be easily installed at home, at the company's headquarters, and in public spaces, such as long-term parking lots. Produced in Romania, the station has an affordable price and various functions designed to facilitate the loading process.

The station can be easily connected to WiFi via the dedicated application. The customer has access to many functions, including turning on / off remote charging, setting the charging current, programming at certain time intervals, and setting the brightness of the LEDs.

Among the technical functionalities offered by the LEKTRI.CO 7.4kW station, there is also the dynamic regulation of the charging power according to the other consumers in the electrical network. The charger can be installed in any location, regardless of the available ability. Also, in the case of photovoltaic installations, the charger can adapt the charging current according to the production of photovoltaic panels, thus maximizing the green energy used.

LEKTRIfy platform - the perfect ally in monetizing electric charges

LEKTRIfy is the first platform in Romania for monetizing electric car chargers and currently has over 300 charging points in Europe. The platform is addressed to any company or individual who wants to make its chargers accessible to the general public. By integrating into the platform, the charging station owner can see the charging users, the delivered energy, check the charging sessions and analyze the charging history. The LEKTRI.CO 7.4kW charger model has the communication protocol necessary for integration into the LEKTRIfy platform and thus facilitates the monetization of electric charges.

"The charger is part of the home automation system."

During the launch event on October 8, 2021, Claudiu Suma, CEO of LEKTRI.CO, spoke to reporters about the newest station for electric cars.

"Today, we are launching a very affordable charger that can" match "very well with Dacia Spring. It is a charger that can be used at home or work, in parking lots, or hotels. It is designed entirely by us, and it is made in Romania. It has a brilliant application. The charger is part of the home automation system, in the sense that you can come home with the electric car, you connect it to the charger and until the next day, the car will be charged with the cheapest current, and that is important considering the current increase in electricity prices. If you generate green energy with photovoltaic panels, it will charge the next day if the sun shines. We have tried to make a charger with a minimalist, contemporary design, accessible in terms of cost, and have a lot of software functions". Claudiu Suma, CEO of LEKTRI.CO, in the interview given to AGERPRES.

Next steps…

The LEKTRI.CO 7.4kW station is the third model of charger that we bring to the attention of distributors, the business environment and the owners of electric cars. We invite you to discover more details about the new 7.4kW charger model, talking to a LEKTRI.CO representative.

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